Easy Seeds to Grow in a Cup: 18 Plants

Do you want to start gardening, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re an experienced gardener, but you’re looking for some easy seeds to grow in a cup. Either way, you’ve come to …

easy seeds to grow in a cup

Do you want to start gardening, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re an experienced gardener, but you’re looking for some easy seeds to grow in a cup. Either way, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss easy plants that are perfect for beginners. We’ll give you a breakdown of each plant’s care instructions, so you can start growing them today!

Can you start seeds in a cup?

Yes, you can start seeds in a cup! All you need is a few supplies and some basic knowledge of plant care. First, decide what type of seed you want to grow. There are many easy plants that are perfect for beginners, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and peppers. Once you’ve decided what type of seed you want to grow, purchase some high-quality seed starting mix and sow your seeds according to the package directions.

Benefits of Growing Seeds in a Cup

If you’re new to gardening, you might be wondering why you should grow your plants in a cup. There are actually many benefits to growing seeds in a cup! Here are a few reasons why you should give it a try:

-It’s easy! All you need is a cup, some soil, and some seeds.

-You can start your plants indoors. This is especially helpful if you live in an area with a short growing season.

-You can control the environment. When you grow your plants in a cup, you can control the temperature, humidity, and light levels. This is perfect for germinating seeds or for keeping young plants alive during cold snaps.

-You can avoid pests and diseases. When you grow your plants in a cup, you can avoid many of the pests and diseases that affect outdoor plants.

-It saves you space. If you have limited space, growing your plants in a cup is a great way to save some space.

-You have the freedom to experiment. When you grow your plants in a cup, you can experiment with different soil mixes, fertilizer regimes, and watering schedules. This is the perfect way to find out what works best for your plants.

-Low cost. All you need is a cup, some soil, and some seeds. You don’t need to invest in expensive pots or other materials.

-It’s fun! Growing your own plants is a fun and rewarding experience. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy the fruits (or vegetables) of your labor!

Easy Seeds to Grow in a Cup: Fresh Herbs for Cooking

One of the easiest and most rewarding plants to grow in a cup is herbs. Fresh herbs are perfect for cooking, and they add a delicious flavor to your food. Plus, they’re easy to care for and don’t require a lot of space. Here are a few easy herb plants that you can grow in a cup:


easy seeds to grow in a cup

Basil is a delicious herb that is easy to grow in a cup. All you need is a sunny windowsill and some well-drained potting mix. Water your basil plant when the soil feels dry to the touch, and fertilize it every few weeks with an all-purpose fertilizer. Harvest your basil leaves when they are about six inches long.


Chives are another easy-to-grow herb that can be started from seed or purchased as a young plant. They prefer full sun but will also grow in partial shade. To sow the seeds, place them on the surface of moistened soil and lightly press them in. Keep the soil moist until seedlings appear, then water chives plants regularly. When the plants are about 6 inches tall, you can start harvesting the leaves.


Cilantro is an easy-to-grow herb that does well in pots. It prefers full sun but will also grow in partial shade. To sow the seeds, simply place them on the surface of moistened soil and lightly press them in. Keep the soil moist until seedlings appear, then water cilantro plants regularly. When the plants are about 6 inches tall, you can start harvesting the leaves.


Parsley is a versatile herb that’s easy to grow in a cup. It prefers full sun but will also grow in partial shade. To sow the seeds, simply place them on the surface of moistened soil and lightly press them in. Keep the soil moist until seedlings appear, then water parsley plants regularly. When the plants are about 12 inches tall, you can start harvesting the leaves.


Rosemary is an easy-to-grow herb that’s perfect for cooking. It prefers full sun but will also grow in partial shade. To sow the seeds, simply place them on the surface of moistened soil and lightly press them in. Keep the soil moist until seedlings appear, then water rosemary plants regularly. When the plants are about 12 inches tall, you can start harvesting the leaves.

Easy Seeds to Grow in a Cup: Vegetables for Eating and Cooking

Vegetables are another easy-to-grow option for your cup garden. They provide you with fresh, healthy food that you can enjoy all season long. Plus, they’re easy to care for and don’t require a lot of space.

Vegetable seeds can be started indoors or outdoors, but it’s best to start them indoors if you’re growing them in a cup. This way, you can control the temperature and moisture level of the soil, which is crucial for young plants. Here are a few easy vegetables that you can grow in a cup:

Pole Beans

Pole beans are easy to grow in a cup. Just sow the seeds in some moist soil and keep them warm. Once they germinate, water them regularly and fertilize them every few weeks. When the plants are about 12 inches tall, you can start harvesting the beans.


Carrots are a kind of vegetable that is easy to grow in a cup. You can grow them in a cup of soil or in a container of water. It’s easy to start them from seed, and they don’t require a lot of care. Just water them regularly and fertilize every few weeks.


easy seeds to grow in a cup

Lettuce is a cool weather crop that can be grown in pots or containers. To sow the seeds, simply place them on the surface of moistened potting mix and lightly press them in. Keep the soil moist until seedlings appear, then water lettuce plants regularly. When the plants are about 4 inches tall, you can start harvesting the leaves.


Radishes are fast-growing vegetables that can be started from seed or purchased as young plants. They prefer full sun but will also grow in partial shade. To sow the seeds, simply place them on the surface of moistened potting mix and lightly press them into the soil. Keep the soil moist until seedlings appear, then water radish plants regularly. When the roots are about 1 inch in diameter, they’re ready to harvest.


Spinach is a cool weather crop that can be grown in pots or containers. To sow its seeds, simply place them on the surface of moistened potting mix and lightly press them into the soil. Keep the soil moist until seedlings appear then water spinach plants regularly. When baby spinach leaves are about 2 inches long, they’re ready to harvest (or you can wait until they’re 4-6 inches long for full-sized spinach leaves).

Collard Greens

Collard greens are one of the most sustainable and healthy crops that you can grow in a cup. They’re also easy to care for, requiring just watering occasionally during germination before becoming established on their own; fertilizing every few weeks with an organic fertilizer specifically designed for this type of plant growth (like blood meal); making sure not too much sunlight hits them since it will make leaf burn more likely – but give these babies plenty if room! Once leaves start appearing at around 12″ tall they should be ready Harvesting time has come


Kale is a great plant for beginners because it’s easy to grow and harvest. To begin, mix up some soil in your cup until you have about an inch of good-quality topsoil on the bottom (or more). Then sow seeds a few inches deep into this prepared potting mixture; keep them warm but not too hot! Once they’ve sprouted remove any bad tasting or ungerminated ones before planting again at around 12″ tall when harvesting becomes possible.

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is easy to grow in a cup. Just sow the seeds in some moist soil and keep them warm. Once they germinate, water them regularly and fertilize them every few weeks. When the plants are about 12 inches tall, you can start harvesting the leaves.

Easy Seeds to Grow in a Cup: Flowers for Arranging

easy seeds to grow in a cup

Flowers are a great way to add color and beauty to your home. They’re also easy to grow in a cup. Here are a few easy flowers that you can grow in a cup:


Pansies are easy to grow in a cup. Just sow the seeds in some moist soil and keep them warm. Once they germinate, water them regularly and fertilize them every few weeks. When the plants are about 12 inches tall, you can start harvesting the flowers.


In a cup, it is simple to grow Petunias. Sow the seeds in some moist soil and keep them warm. Water the young plants frequently and fertilize them every few weeks once they have sprouted. You can start harvesting the flowers when the plants are approximately 12 inches tall.


Marigolds are easy to grow in a cup. Just sow the seeds in some moist soil and keep them warm. Once they germinate, water them regularly and fertilize every few weeks. When the plants are about 12 inches tall, you can start harvesting the flowers.


Zinnias are easy to grow in a cup. Just sow the seeds on the surface of moistened potting mix and lightly press them in. Keep the soil moist until seedlings appear, then water zinnia plants regularly. When the plants are about 12 inches tall, you can start harvesting the flowers.


These easy-to-grow plants will thrive in your cup. Just sow them, keep warm and make sure to water regularly! When they’re about 12 inches tall you can start harvesting the flowers for some beautiful Cosmos blooms that are great both indoor or out – perfect additions whether it’s their first time planting at home or an experienced gardener looking forward to more success stories like yours!

Tips for Growing Seeds in a Cup

easy seeds to grow in a cup

Now that you know some of the benefits of growing seeds in a cup, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Choose the right size cup. You’ll need a cup that is big enough for your plant to grow, but not so big that the roots will be cramped.
  2. Use high-quality soil. Seed starting mix is ideal, but you can also use potting soil or garden soil. Just make sure it’s loose and well-draining.
  3. Water regularly. Your seedlings will need to be watered frequently, so check the soil every day.
  4. Give them some light. Most seedlings need 14-16 hours of light per day. If you can’t provide this much light naturally, you may need to use grow lights. You can give direct sunlight for a few hours a day. For artificial sunlight, place the cup near a south-facing window.
  5. Transplant them when they’re ready. Once your seedlings are big enough to handle, you can transplant them into bigger pots or your garden. Be careful not to damage the roots when you transplant them.

What are the easiest seeds to grow for children?

There are a few easy seeds that children can grow in a cup:

  • Pansies
  • Petunias
  • Marigolds
  • Zinnias
  • Cosmos

The Bottom Line: Easy Seeds to Grow in a Cup

Growing plants from seeds can be a fun and easy way to add plants to your home or garden. It can also be a great way to teach children about plants and gardening. There are a number of easy plants that can be grown in a cup, including kale, Swiss chard, pansies, petunias, marigolds, zinnias, and cosmos. These plants are easy to grow and don’t require a lot of care. Just sow the seeds in some moist soil, water regularly, and fertilize every few weeks. Once the plants are big enough, you can transplant them into bigger pots or your garden. With a little bit of care, you can have a beautiful arrangement of easy-to-grow plants in no time.

For more gardening tips, check out How to Maintain Your Garden and Best Gardening Tools