What Do Backyard Lizards Eat? (Interesting Facts)

Although some people think wild lizards and lizards in the backyard are bad luck, you might see them moving around quite frequently. You might be wondering what do backyard lizards eat while looking at them. …

What Do Backyard Lizards Eat

Although some people think wild lizards and lizards in the backyard are bad luck, you might see them moving around quite frequently. You might be wondering what do backyard lizards eat while looking at them.

What Do Backyard Lizards Eat?

It can be difficult to understand what do backyard lizards eat, but this guide will tell you everything you need to know.

So, what do backyard lizards eat? These creatures typically eat insects such as ants and flies, as well fruits and vegetables.

The majority of lizards are carnivorous, which means they are predators that they live off different insects and small animals in your yard. For example, some lizards primarily eat snails, while others might go for bird nests and feast on the eggs. If a bird has nested in your garden, there’s a good chance that the eggs will perish.

Carnivorous lizards may trample on your plants, but are unlikely to cause damage by eating them. They are known however, to eat both fish and frogs, so if you have a backyard pond, you may want to cover it with a strong mesh or netting to prevent the lizards from gaining access.

Herbivorous lizards on the other hand solely eat plant material. They love to feast on your garden plants and are likely to also harm produce like fruits or vegetables.

Omnivorous lizards eat a mixture of both plant material and insects and animals, so depending on the availability within your garden, they are also likely to mess with your plants.


What Do Backyard Lizards Eat

What Do Backyard Lizards Eat: Size of the Animal

Larger lizards, such as the Komodo dragon, which you are unlikely to encounter in your yard, usually go for bigger prey like baby snakes. As a result, their diet is determined by their size. A larger lizard will look for food since it requires more calories to survive.

However, you are unlikely to see many big lizards crawling around your yard. Keep in mind that some species, like the Eastern Collared Lizard, may also prey on their own kind.

Spiders, beetles, and a variety of other tiny invertebrates are all permissible prey, and lizards consume them frequently. Many lesser species can readily find food in your garden.


What Do Backyard Lizards Eat: How To Get Rid Of Them

Most garden lizards and baby lizards look for new food sources. Garden lizards looking for a meal can destroy the plants in your yard and disrupt the ecology. Even worse, they might get into your house. But don’t worry! There are a lot of ways to keep them out of your property.

Although they are perfectly harmless, many people can’t stand having lizards and baby garden lizards in their yard for many reasons. So, how do you get rid of these backyard lizards? There are numerous methods to get rid of backyard lizards. If you find them irritating, here we show you some of the most effective strategies for eradicating these reptiles.

Use a Lizard Repellent

If you’re not interested in home remedies and just want a quick solution, invest in a decent lizard repellent. You can find them locally at supermarkets or stores specializing in pesticides. They come as either a spray or small gel tube.

All you have to do is squirt some of the gel in various locations around your yard. Ideally, pick a safe, hidden location for the gel to harden in place. Over time, you will notice a significant drop in the number of garden lizards in your garden.

Coffee Method

What Do Backyard Lizards Eat

The coffee method is a second, somewhat more powerful approach for ridding your yard of garden lizard. Simply purchase a can of tobacco and add coffee powder to it. They’re known as lizard-killing balls because they’re small spheres made from a combination of many things.

You may use those balls in your backyard in a variety of ways. They can be placed at various points, and some might even need to be dug deep underground. However, avoid burying the balls too far beneath the surface; otherwise, they will lose their efficacy.

DIY Pepper Spray

If you want to get rid of backyard lizards in a more proactive way, mix some crushed black pepper with water and put it in a spray bottle. Note that lizards are allergic to pepper and they run from it when they sense its presence. So, if you create pepper spray as suggested, the reptiles will find your backyard quite irritating and will flee the place ASAP.

Because it is a totally natural approach, you won’t have to worry about harming your plants. Spray the solution liberally in areas where different lizards hide if you know their hiding places.

To keep lizards out of your yard, make sure to surround it with plants and dirt. However, for the best results, you should cover all of the plants and foundation surrounding the backyard.

Tabasco Sauce Spray

Tabasco sauce is a staple in most kitchens, and if you look inside your refrigerator, you’ll almost certainly find the thin red bottle. Tabasco sauce has been proven to repel lizards.

The smell of Tabasco sauce really irritates lizards, just like pepper. Simply add a dash of Tabasco sauce to water and you’re ready to go. You may then spray the solution along the ground and around the plants. It’s best to use the sharp sprayer to target hard-to-reach regions because that’s where most lizards hide.

Egg Shells

A helpful way to get rid of lizards is by placing egg shells in various parts of your backyard. You’ll see the reptiles run away in no time! This method works because there’s auluwala lizard present within these egg shells that chases them away.

What Do Backyard Lizards Eat-Bottom Line

Depending on the species, backyards lizards can eat plants and fruit and vegetables or insects and small animals. Some species also eat both plants and animals.

There are many different ways to get rid of backyard lizards. Try out a few of the methods mentioned above and see which one works best for you. In any case, getting rid of these reptiles is not as difficult as it may seem. If you would prefer they were not in your yard, with a little patience and some cleaning, you will be able to enjoy your backyard without having to worry about these pesky creatures!