How to Stop Geese from Pooping in Yard: 7 Solutions

One of the most frustrating things about having a backyard is dealing with the issue of geese. Geese are beautiful creatures, but they can be a real nuisance. Not only do they make a lot …

how to stop geese from pooping in yard

One of the most frustrating things about having a backyard is dealing with the issue of geese. Geese are beautiful creatures, but they can be a real nuisance. Not only do they make a lot of noise, but they also tend to leave behind a lot of mess. The unpleasant smell of goose poop can quickly ruin a pleasant day spent outdoors.

How to stop geese from pooping in yard? If you’re tired of dealing with goose poop in your yard, there are some things you can do to deter them.

Why do geese like to poop in your yard?

how to stop geese from pooping in yard

Geese are attracted to yards for a few reasons. First, they like the grass. Geese are herbivores, so they’re always on the lookout for fresh vegetation. If your yard has a lot of green space, it’s likely that geese will view it as a potential food source. In addition, geese also like water. If you have a pond or other body of water in your yard, it’s likely that geese will be attracted to it.

These messy birds will often make themselves at home in your yard, and it can be difficult to get them to leave.

How to stop geese from pooping in yard?

There are a few things you can do to prevent geese from pooping in your yard.

1. Add a pond or fountain to your yard

how to stop geese from pooping in yard

Adding a pond or fountain to your yard is a great way to deter geese from pooping there. Geese are attracted to water, so if you have a pond or fountain in your yard, they will be less likely to want to poop there.

Ponds and fountains also add a touch of beauty to your yard, so it’s a win-win situation.

2. Remove bird feeders and other food sources away from your house

If you have bird feeders in your yard, it’s likely that they are attracting geese. Geese are attracted to areas where there is food, so taking away bird feeders is a great way to deter them from pooping in your yard.

If you don’t want to take away your bird feeders, you can try adding a baffle to the top of the feeder. This will make it more difficult for geese to access the food, and they will be less likely to want to stick around.

Baffles can be purchased at most hardware stores or online.

3. Try liquid geese repellant

If you’re really struggling with geese in your yard, you may want to try a liquid geese repellant. These repellants are designed to discourage geese from entering your yard. There are a variety of different brands of liquid geese repellant on the market, so be sure to do some research to find the one that is right for you.

Liquid goose repellants can be purchased at most hardware stores or online. You can also make your own repellant by mixing water and vinegar in a spray bottle.

4. Scare geese away with loud noises, such as an air horn or fireworks

Geese are easily scared, so making loud noises is a great way to deter them from pooping in your yard. Air horns and fireworks are both effective at scaring geese away. Of course, you’ll want to be careful when using these methods, as you don’t want to startle your neighbors.

5. Install fencing around your property that is at least six feet high

how to stop geese from pooping in yard

Fencing is a great way to deter geese from entering your yard. Geese can’t fly over fences that are at least six feet high, so if you install fencing around your property, they will be less likely to be able to get into your yard. There are a variety of different types of fencing you can choose from, so be sure to do some research to find the one that is right for you.

Installing fencing can be a bit of a hassle, but it’s definitely worth it if it means keeping geese out of your yard.

6. Place decoys or statues of predators near the area where the geese are pooping

You can chase geese away by placing decoys or statues of predators near the area where they are pooping. Geese are afraid of predators, so if they see a decoy or statue of a predator, they will be less likely to want to stay in your yard.

7. Plant thorny bushes near the areas where the geese like to hang out

Planting thorny bushes near the areas where geese like to hang out is a great way to deter them from being in your yard. Geese don’t like to be around thorny bushes, so if you plant them near the areas where the geese are hanging out, they will be less likely to want to stay there.

There are a variety of different bushes you can choose from, so be sure to do some research to find the ones that are best for deterring geese.

Conclusion: How to stop geese from pooping in yard?

If you’re tired of dealing with geese in your yard, there are a few things you can do to deter them. Geese are attracted to water, so ponds and fountains can help to keep them away. You can also try removing bird feeders and other food sources, or installing fencing around your property. If you’re really struggling, you may want to try a liquid geese repellant. Finally, scaring geese away with loud noises or predators can help to deter them from pooping in your yard.

By taking some simple steps like installing a fence or planting certain types of plants, you can keep these pesky birds at bay and enjoy your backyard again.