How to Separate a Shared Backyard

How to separate a shared backyard? Having a shared lawn with your neighbor can be beneficial for both of you financially, but it might seem daunting to try and split the space evenly and have …

How to separate a shared backyard

How to separate a shared backyard? Having a shared lawn with your neighbor can be beneficial for both of you financially, but it might seem daunting to try and split the space evenly and have your own backyard. If you want to avoid any conflict or unhappy neighbors, here are some tips on how to divide a shared lawn effectively. The most important thing to remember is that you should make a plan before taking any action so that the division is fair. Think of the outdoor living space, if you really want private backyard, if you are not making your neighbor’s view look hideous.

Make a list of everything your neighbors may need from their allotment of the house. This will assist avoid any ill feelings among your neighbors and ensure that everyone receives what they require from their portion of the property. There are numerous ways to divide a shared lawn, depending on where you reside and the nature of your property, so here are some more choices. If you have an invisible, picket fence line, this should be it!

How to Separate a Shared Backyard: 10 Ways

Here are 10 ways on how to separate a shared backyard:

The Berlin Wall Method

To avoid intense disputes with your partner over who does more work in the yard, you can split the lawn into two parts by putting down a line of potted plants, boards, or bricks to mark where the lawn should split. This is great for maintaining peace and avoiding arguments. You can set up a landscaping business to help you maintain the new territory or have one half of the yard mowed by your family and the other half by your neighbor’s family.

The Fence Method

How to separate a shared backyard

If your neighbors are cool with a lesser degree of seclusion, you can outline where you want the fence to go. Make sure it isn’t within at least a foot of any sprinkler heads, and consider how high you want your fence to be. If you allow vines to grow on it, it won’t even have to be painted or stained.

The Box Method

To get rid of perennial weeds, rake them out and fill the area with rocks in a big box (or even construct one). You can take out a few pebbles from time to time to mow or plant grass on this portion of the yard. This technique is excellent for keeping your lawn weed-free.

The Trench Method:

This approach entails digging a trench to identify the border between your half of the grass and your neighbor’s. As a result, it will be divided into two parts. String is preferable to flags or spray paint for this technique since it is more susceptible to wind damage.

The Concrete Method

The first option is to buy a large amount of concrete and pour it on the grass to mark the border between your side and your neighbor’s. This method is ideal for making a more permanent division. However, if someone inadvertently steps on or drives over thin concrete, it may fracture or shift, so use thick, reinforced concrete instead.

The Stake Method

You may use stakes to demarcate the border between your half of the lawn and your neighbor’s portion. This is ideal for separating areas that are not flat or have steep slopes since you can use taller stakes on steeper sections of land.

The Tape Method

This strategy requires you to purchase a considerable amount of yellow rope or tape. Unroll and lay it out in the shape of an “X” on your property, so the individual mowing will be able to see where they need to stop cutting the grass. Make sure each half of the “X” slightly overlaps onto the other side.

The Stone Pile Method

The most basic technique for dividing the grass is to use stones to demarcate the boundary between your half and your neighbor’s half. This may be a viable option for a home with a container gardens or pool on the side of the yard since people will have something else to look at instead of a row of stones.

The Garden Method

How to Separate a Shared Backyard

The garden method is essentially growing a boundary on your side of the lawn to physically mark where your property ends and your neighbor’s begins. Potted plants, hanging baskets, deciduous shade trees, evergreen trees, trees bare branches can be positioned to create a green screen around a raised deck seating area. If you go with this method, you need to make sure that your border looks decent because having an aesthetically pleasing border will give off the appearance that you have a well-tended garden. However, if it looks bad, people might think you don’t care for your plants at all.

The Gate Method

If you have a fence and need a gate, this is an excellent approach to block neighbors view. To distinguish which outdoor spaces belong to you and your neighbor, set the gate in the middle of the grass. You may also use this technique if you don’t want to mow specific lawn sections, such as those near sprinkler heads or places where you intend to construct a shed.

How to Separate a Shared Backyard: Things to Consider


Always know where your property lines are and keep them visible.


The location of the grass line will decide who is in charge of taking care of it.


This shouldn’t be the most important thing on your list. Don’t let this become an excuse to procrastinate!


If one person’s driveway is right next to their property line while another person’s is not, you need to account for this in your plan.

Property Lines

When addressing property lines, it’s always best to get an accurate survey done. These boundary markers are not always visible and can be shifted by things like fences or other obstacles.

How to Separate a Shared Backyard- Bottom Line

How to separate a shared backyard? The greatest border to use when dividing a shared lawn is one that is as lengthy as possible. This will allow for an equal split of your yard while providing each homeowner with seclusion and unrestricted access to their property, regardless of which side they are on.

Assuming both parties are willing to stick to the agreement, there shouldn’t be any issues moving forward. Dividing a shared lawn may seem like a daunting task, but we hope this blog post helped shed some light on the process. If you still have questions about divide a shared lawn, please reach out for more information! We would be happy to help.