How to Hang Swing Between Two Trees

Wondering how to hang swing between two trees? A tree swing in your backyard adds a serene atmosphere to your home. Hikers also use swings to sleep on while resting at the top of the …

How to hang swing between two trees

Wondering how to hang swing between two trees? A tree swing in your backyard adds a serene atmosphere to your home. Hikers also use swings to sleep on while resting at the top of the mountain. It’s a wonderful location to unwind, free from the ground’s crawling insects. Nothing compares to the sensation of being cradled as you fall asleep.

This article will guide you on how to hang swing between two trees.

swing hanged on tree

How to Hang Swing Between Two Trees?

How to hang swing between two trees? Begin, gather the items you’ll need for the swing installation method you’ve selected.

Basic Tools

  • Preferred type of swing
  • Hammer
  • Bolts and nuts
  • Ladder
  • Wrench
  • Drill
  • Saw
  • Tape measure

How to Hang Swing Between Two Trees: Directions

  1. Before attaching the beam to the tree, drill pilot holes in it.
  2. Remove the branches that are in the way of the beam.
  3. Use a level to check if the beam is horizontal before securing it in place.
  4. Using an electric drill, drill the holes in the tree.
  5. Before you begin to scale the tree, use a wrench to attach the washer and knot it securely. Doing this ahead of time will make it much simpler to connect the device to different limbs while you’re up in the tree.
  6. Place the beam in such a way that the holes drilled into it line up with those on the tree.

In order to start, take a pipe wrench and insert the bolt. Congratulations, you’ve now completed half of the steps needed to hang your swing on the tree!

How to Hang Swing Between Two Trees: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here are the general steps on how to hang swing between two trees:

1. Find The Best Location

If you live in an area with a lot of trees, you’ll need to choose the best site for lounging on your swing. You could locate the greatest trees, but they may be in the wrong location. Here are the ideal conditions for setting up your swing:

  • The trees with the best view are located in this area.
  • Trees in good condition
  • Trees placed with the right distance apart


2. Evaluate Where You’ll Hang The Swing

After you’ve found the ideal site and healthy trees, it’s time to consider how you’ll set up your swing. Check the trees’ health to see whether they’re suitable for swinging.

At least 15 to 16 feet above the ground should be the ropes or beam, and there should be twice as much space between trees as the width of the swing you’ll use. If you’re going to utilize straps, tree branch can be used to tie them down so they don’t slide down.

The swing will not function as intended if the trees are too distant or close together. If the distance between the two trees is not included in the swing’s specifications, you’ll plummet to the ground.

3. Get The Right Measurement

The ropes you use to secure the trees should be of comparable lengths. If one tree is larger than the other, add extra slack/length to accommodate size difference.

The safety of the swing should never be compromise, so it’s better to have a little excess on the rope swing. If kids will use the hanging swing, adjust the height of the seat lower so it won’t be too high for them. Otherwise, hang the swing at your preferred height.

4. Place The Foundation and Connect The Swing

After you’ve got the correct measurements, attach the ropes or beam to the trees. To save time, use power tools like cordless screwdrivers. The swings should be level so that you don’t lose your balance when sitting on them.

5. Test It Out

Now is the time to check if the swing is secure and working as it should be. Sit on the swing and look for any loose bolts or unbuckled carabiners. Determine if the trees or branches can handle your weight properly. If everything appears fine, then the swingset can be used.

How to Hang Swing Between Two Trees: Safety Considerations

Because your swing will lift you off the ground, any problem may result in accidents, especially if children are using it. A swing accounts for around 40% of childhood injury occurrences. As a result, it’s critical not only to focus on the enjoyment but also on the safety of the swing. It’s essential to safeguard the following as you hang your swing:

1. Choose Healthy and Sturdy Trees

Though ancient trees and other tree may appear to be the strongest, this is not always the case. Each tree trunks must have a diameter of at least 8-10 inches in order to support the weight of both the swing and its passengers.

To measure the tree’s diameter, wrap a measuring tape around the trunk at the tree’s diameter breast height (DBH) or the portion of the tree trunk that is 4.5 feet (1.4 m) above the ground. After you’ve taken your measurement, divide it by pi or 3.1416 to get an exact value. The pine tree is one such tree, you can hang a swing between two pine trees.

2. Weight Considerations

The last thing you want to happen is to fall flat on the ground because you are too much for the swing. Every material has its own weight restrictions. If your children will be using the swings, make sure you pick a method that can handle it.

The beam method is the best way to hang a swing between two young trees if the swing will hold more than one person. If you’re looking for a swung that an adult can use for relaxation or quick naps, utilize ratchet strap instead. Lastly, eyebolt is often used for swings meant toddlers and younger children–holding one saddle or seat per every two eyebolts.

3. Prefer Using Good-Quality Materials

You’ll need to pick the most robust ropes to support your swing in addition to the trees. Because the swing will be exposed to harsh weather, you should choose materials that can with stand extreme heat and cold.

How to Hang Swing Between Two Trees-Bottom Line

Adding a swing to your backyard can be a great way to create fun memories for your kids, while also giving them the opportunity to enjoy time outside. Plus, if you install it yourself, you’ll get some extra exercise working around the trees!

You can put a swing in between two trees to learn how to do yourself. The pandemic has allowed us all to stay at home, which means we have more time to complete DIY projects like this.