How to Get Rid of Gnats in Backyard (10 Ways)

Do you have a gnat infestation problem and wondering how to get rid of gnats in backyard? Gnats — tiny, flying insects that may cause problems in your home and garden -— are more than …

How to get rid of gnats in backyard

Do you have a gnat infestation problem and wondering how to get rid of gnats in backyard?

Gnats — tiny, flying insects that may cause problems in your home and garden -— are more than simply vexing. Outdoor gnat infestations can harm plants and even have negative health consequences. Read on to find out how to get rid of gnats in backyard.

How to get rid of gnats in backyard

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Backyard

Because outdoor breeding and developmental sources are producing massive numbers of adult gnats that may enter our homes and businesses, it is frequently necessary to control the non-biting group of gnats outside. As a result, the reduction or elimination of their exterior development sites is critical, as well as:

  • Cover Garbage – Keep garbage cans and other trash containers clean and uncovered at all times to avoid gnats swarming around the area.
  • Clean Up – By not letting fallen fruit accumulate on the ground, you prevent fruit flies and yellow jackets from being attracted to it.
  • Sewer Maintenance – Moth flies can become a nuisance if sewage treatment plants are not properly maintained to prevent adjacent houses or structures from being infested.
  • Dry Out Moist Areas – You can eliminate moist outdoor sites by taking simple measures, such as clearing out potted plants, gutters and downspouts, removing mulch and debris, and properly draining any pooled water. These sites are often rich in organic matter, which makes them ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. By making a few changes around your home or office, you can help reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases.
  • Fix Leaky Pipes – Exterior plumbing leaks are a common occurrence and can often lead to hazardous conditions if left unchecked. Deposits of sewage and fresh water on the soil in a home or building’s crawlspace can create a perfect environment for the growth of mold, mildew, and other potentially harmful organisms.
  • Exterior Lighting – Switch out your old, standard light bulbs for low voltage, yellow “bug” light bulbs to reduce the amount of flying insects around your home.
  • Eliminate Moist Soil – Plants and grass on the outside should be watered only when necessary.

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Backyard: Biting Gnat Control

The biting gnats that make up this category are those that bite people and animals to get blood. The bites of biting gnats can cause medically significant issues such as allergic responses.

Biting gnats (no-see-ums, punkies, sand flies, and black flies) are the most prevalent biting midges. Other biting insects include horseflies, stableflies, and deerflies, all of which are not considered tiny flies but nevertheless belong to the same category as gnats.

People are most commonly assaulted by biting midges in moist places, such as marshes and springtime pools of water. Black flies develop in flowing rivers and streams with high oxygen content and have a flight range of up to several miles from their spawning sites where they take a blood meal.

These areas are generally large, varied, and unaccessible to the general public. Individual homeowners, therefore, have a difficult time dealing with biting midges and black flies. Biting midge control, on the other hand, is difficult, ineffective, and costly. There are a few things that can aid in preventing and managing biting midges. Some of these include:

  • Small Scale Area Use of Insecticide Sprays –Although consol insecticide sprays can be effective gnat trap when used properly, they may not be worth the effort. Before using this method, check that the product is approved for use against biting gnats and flies, and make sure to follow the instructions on the label. You can also use apple cider vinegar to repel gnats.
  • Cover Up – Wearing long sleeves, head nets, and long pants to keep biting gnats at bay is a good idea.
  • Planning of Outdoor Activities – The most significant strategy to avoid or, at the very least, reduce the impact of these biting flies is to plan outdoor activities when they are not likely to be a problem. Biting midges are particularly active during the late hours of the day when there is virtually no wind. Being indoors or within screened environments outside can aid in bite prevention and shelter from bites. Because biting gnats are so tiny, common window screening allows them to enter, therefore small mesh screens known as biting midge screening are required.
  • Repellents – Fans – Biting gnats are tiny, weak fliers, and therefore relying on ceiling and other fans to kill gnats gnats is a good idea.

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Backyard: What is a Gnat?

Some gnats aren’t dangerous. Some feed on pest insects and pollinate plants. The gnat species with four tiny, flying species are known as gnats:

  • Fungus gnats. These are frequently observed on overwatered houseplants as organic matter in the soil decays. Their larvae feed on plant roots, causing leaves to yellow and drop or entire plants to wilt and die. Fungus gnats can also spread a pathogen that causes damping-off, a condition that kills seeds before they sprout and weakens or kills seedlings just after sprouting. Insecticides with pyrethrins act quickly to kill fungus gnats.
  • Drain flies. You’ll often find these tiny pests in or around drains, sewers, septic tanks and anywhere else sewage has leaked.
  • Fruit flies. Pests such as fruit flies and gnats prefer dark, carbonated beverages, wine and vinegar.
  • Phorid flies. Phorids are tiny flies that can enter your home via open doors and windows or through cracks in foundations. They live near garbage, gutters, drains, and decomposing fruits and vegetables.

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Backyard: What to Do

Gnats will not harm your home, but they may cause other issues. While all gnats bite, not all species have mouth parts that can penetrate the skin. Biting through your skin might transmit germs and illnesses and produce itching, redness, discomfort, or inflammation. If these symptoms appear, you could need to see a doctor.

Termites are a common problem in homes with potted plants or fruit that has been injured, overripe, or otherwise tainted. The majority of termite species enjoy sweet and fruity scents as well as damp, decaying organic matter. Some kinds are attracted to sweat, body heat, and even the moisture in our eyes.

Use a product with Bti, Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis to kill fungus gnat larvae.

Gnats often breed or are found near drains, garbage disposals, and both indoor and outdoor trash cans. Sometimes we accidentally bring them indoors on flowers, houseplants and fresh fruits.

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Backyard- Bottom Line

How to get rid of gnats in backyard is a question that many people have. Gnats are small, flying insects that can be a nuisance. While most gnats are harmless, some species can transmit diseases. If you have a gnat problem in your home, there are several things you can do to get rid of them.

So, there you have it! Hopefully, you find this article how to get rid of gnats in backyard very helpful.