Get Your Family Active with a DIY Backyard Bike Path!

Biking is a great way to get your family active and outdoors. But if you live in an area without safe bike paths, it can be difficult to get everyone on bikes. That’s where a …

woman in brown and blue dress riding blue bicycle

Biking is a great way to get your family active and outdoors. But if you live in an area without safe bike paths, it can be difficult to get everyone on bikes. That’s where a DIY backyard bike path comes in!

Get your family active by creating a backyard bike path

man in black t-shirt riding white bicycle

If you’re looking for a way to get your family active, consider creating a backyard bike path. A bike path is a great way to get everyone outside and moving, and it’s a great way to explore your backyard in a whole new way. Plus, it’s a great way to get some fresh air and Vitamin D!

Creating your own backyard bike path is a great way to get your family active while spending time together outdoors. Plus, it’s a great way to explore your backyard in a whole new way.

Here’s a fun and pretty easy DIY bike track that will help you create a backyard bike path for your whole family!

How to create a backyard bike path

Tools and Materials:

-String or yarn

-A few stakes


-Hammer (optional)

-Chalk (optional)

-A few rocks or bricks (optional)

1. Decide on the path/course.

Use string and wooden stakes to map out the path. Make sure to take into account any obstacles like trees or bushes. Use a tape measure to make sure the path is wide enough for two bikes to ride side by side.

2. Prep the ground.

Remove any obstacles in the path of your future bike path. If you need to, use a shovel to dig up any grass or weeds. Rake the area smooth. Digging up the grass isn’t necessary, but it will help your bike path last longer.

3. Create the base.

Pour a layer of gravel onto the path. Use a garden hose to wet the gravel and compact it with a trowel. The top layer of gravel should be level with the wooden stakes. You can use clay loam, sand, or wood chips for the base layer instead of gravel.

4. Add the concrete mix.

Pour a layer of concrete mix onto the path. Use a garden hose to wet the concrete mix and compact it with a trowel.

5. Add the cement blocks or pavers.

Place the cement blocks or pavers onto the path. Use a level to make sure they’re even.

6. Add sand and bike tires.

Pour a layer of sand onto the path. Place the bike tires onto the path. Use a garden hose to wet the sand and compact it with a trowel.

7. Add the finishing touches.

Add any finishing touches you want, like chalk markings or rocks. Let the path dry for 24 hours before using it.

Building jumps and berms

1. Berms

Berms are raised sections of dirt that are great for turning and for going up and down hills. To build a berm, use a shovel to dig a trench around the outside of the path. The trench should be about 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Next, fill the trench with gravel and compact it with a trowel. Finally, fill the trench with dirt and compact it with a trowel. The hole in the middle of the berm should be big enough for a bike tire to fit through.

2. Jumps

Jumps are great for going over obstacles and for doing tricks. To build a jump, use a shovel to dig a hole in the ground that’s about 1 foot wide and 2 feet deep. Next, fill the hole with gravel and compact it with a trowel. Finally, fill the hole with dirt and compact it with a trowel.

Pump track paths and banked turns are specially designed for bicycling.

The pump track path is great for letting kids explore their backyard and enjoy being outdoors while getting some exercise. It’s also an easy way to make sure everyone in your family gets outside, even if it just means taking a quick spin around the neighborhood!

Banked turns are a great way to add some excitement to your backyard bike path. They’re also a great way to slow down and take a break from pedaling. To create a banked turn, use a shovel to dig out a section of the path. The section should be about 1 foot wide and 2 feet deep. Next, fill the hole with gravel and compact it with a trowel. Finally, fill the hole with dirt and compact it with a trowel. The hole should be big enough for a bike tire to fit through.

A few things to keep in mind when building your own backyard bike path:

shallow focus photo of black hardtail bike

– Make sure the path is wide enough for two bikes to ride side by side.

– Use string and wooden stakes to map out the path.

– Prep the ground by removing any obstacles and loose dirt in the path of your future bike path.

– Pour a layer of gravel onto the path and compact it with a trowel.

– Add the cement blocks or pavers. Use a level to make sure they’re even.

– Pour a layer of sand onto the path and compact it with a trowel.

– Place the bike tires onto the path.

Mountain biking paths are great for getting the family out into nature.

If you live near mountains or forests, consider creating a mountain biking path. This is a great way to get your family out into nature and explore the great outdoors. Finding the sweet spot between challenging and beginner-friendly is key when it comes to mountain biking trails. Your mountain biking skills will come in handy as you navigate the trails!

Biking at the local park

The local park is a great place to take your family for a bike ride. There are usually plenty of trails to explore, and you can usually find a route that’s suitable for all skill levels. Plus, you can usually find a place to picnic or stop for a rest when you need it.

Riding on the street

Riding on the street is a great way to get some exercise while getting around town. Just be sure to wear bright clothing and stay aware of your surroundings. Obeying traffic laws is also very important when riding on the street.

Whatever type of bike path you choose to create, the important thing is to get out there and ride! Bike paths are a great way to get your family active, explore your surroundings, and have some fun.


Bike tracks are specially designed for bicycling and are a great way to get everyone outside and moving. All you need is a bit of planning and some basic materials, and you’ll have a backyard bike track in no time! An awesome backyard bike track is the perfect way to get your family active while spending time together outdoors. Plus, it’s a great way to explore your backyard in a whole new way. So what are you waiting for? Get started on your backyard bike track today!