Get the Gardening Basics Down: How to Maintain your Garden

Gardening can be a fun and rewarding hobby. A well-maintained garden will produce the most bounty out of any other type. A healthy, naturally grown, and vibrant space just feels better to be in than …

person showing green plant

Gardening can be a fun and rewarding hobby. A well-maintained garden will produce the most bounty out of any other type. A healthy, naturally grown, and vibrant space just feels better to be in than a neglected one that produces weeds and fat pests.

But how do you keep your garden looking good? The following blog post will discuss how to maintain your garden to always be healthy and beautiful!

What is a garden?

A garden is a piece of land where plants are grown. Gardens can be vegetable gardens or flower gardens. A common feature of a garden is herbaceous plants, but there are many types of plants that you can grow. Gardens can be planted in pots or containers, and they can also be built on the ground.

Why maintain your garden?

Maintenance will help your garden stay healthy and alive. Healthy plants are more likely to produce good flowers, so you want to make sure everything stays in great shape. Keep your plants healthy to help the plants grow to their full potential.

How often should I water the garden?

Water every day if it is a hot, sunny summer day outside, or less if you live in a cooler climate where there are more rainy days during the week. Rain can be detrimental for gardens because they need consistent watering daily.

person watering plant

How do I know how much fertilizer to use?

You need about one cup of soil per plant or pot, and you can mix in a quarter cup of organic compost for every two cups of soil. You should fertilize your garden once a week during the spring, summer, and fall months with an annual application at the end of the season. The growth of the plant will determine how much fertilizer to use.

How often should I mulch the garden?

Mulching helps to keep weeds away by smothering them under a layer of organic material, like leaves or straw. You want to use one inch of mulch for every foot of ground in your garden. It is best to mulch in the early morning or evening hours so that it doesn’t dry out.

How do I know when to harvest my garden?

Harvesting your vegetables and herbs is a great way to plan for how you will use them in the week ahead, but it can also be done anytime before they go bad! If we want our plants healthy, then harvesting at the right time is important. Knowing what plant to harvest will depend on how it is growing.

How do I know if my plants are diseased?

Look for any wilting, discoloration, or spots on the leaves when you go out to water your garden in the morning. If bugs are crawling around, then that could also be a sign of disease! Diseases can affect many plants, and how to spot them is different for every plant.

How do I know if my plants are infested with pests?

Examine your garden closely, look at the leaves on the surface of the soil, or remove a few layers of topsoil from around the base of each plant. If you see any bugs crawling around, then they may be infesting your plants.

How do I get rid of pests?

You need to remove the bugs from your garden and make sure that you are not providing an environment for them to thrive in by removing any plant matter or soil they might use as a food source. You will also want to look at how much water is available to them- make sure that they are not drowning.

How do I use the harvested plants?

You can compost any leftover vegetables or herbs in your backyard and give them back to the soil for nutrients, but also try using some of these other ideas! Try including the flowers from your garden in herbal tea, a recipe for Panzanella Salad (fresh bread, diced tomatoes, and cucumbers, chopped garlic or anchovies, red wine vinegar) by adding purslane leaves or basil.

green leafed plant in shallow focus photography

How do I know if it is too late for me to maintain my garden?

It’s never too late! Plants need regular maintenance, and they will become unhealthy when you fail to provide them with what they need. It would be best if you could start tomorrow with how to maintain your garden, but there are other ways you can keep the plants healthy.

How do I know how to tell when my plants are wilting?

If the leaves start turning brown or withering away, then that is an indication that they aren’t getting enough water! You will need to water your garden more often if it’s hot outside, or less often in cold climates.

What is a green thumb?

There is no definite answer for how to get a “green thumb” because it’s not just about being able to identify plant problems or make sure everything stays alive and well in the garden! Gardening is a mix of art, science, and patience.

How often should I be fertilizing my garden?

You will need to fertilize your plants about once a week during the spring, summer, and fall months, with an annual application at the end of the season. You can use organic compost mixed in with soil or fertilizer for this purpose. When you are buying fertilizer, make sure it is labeled as organic and the NPK ratio is appropriate for how much you need to use.

Tips for maintaining an organic vegetable patch or fruit tree orchard

How do I maintain an organic vegetable patch?

You will need to dig up weeds that have grown in the garden and remove any plant matter or soil they might use as a food source. You can also add compost for nutrients every year, but it’s best if you are using it from your backyard rather than buying new fertilizers each year.

How do I maintain an organic fruit tree orchard?

You will need to prune the trees every year to keep them properly shaped and remove any dead branches so that they don’t spread disease to other living plants around them. You also want to make sure you are picking off bugs because these can cause damage as well!

Tree Maintenance

To keep your tree healthy and looking great, you will want to make sure that it is getting the proper amount of water. Watering might be necessary every few days instead of once per week during frosty weather or in a dry environment. Trees need plenty of sunlight too! Another way to tell how well your trees are doing is how healthy the leaves are. If they start to turn brown and wither away- this could be a sign that there isn’t enough water in your tree’s environment, or it is getting too much sun!

purple flowers near brown wooden house

Tree removal

If you are looking to remove a tree from your yard, something important must be done. You need to have the roots removed before cutting down the tree because they can cause damage if left in place. Call a Tree Removal Specialist for help!

Maintenance garden tools you should have on hand at all times

  • Leaf rake
  • Trowel
  • Pruning shears
  • Sharp hoe
  • Shovel
  • Digging fork
  • Full plant watering can and hoses
  • Gloves for weeding and picking out bugs from plants
  • A good pair of shears or sharp pruning scissors
  • Safety goggles for picking out bugs or getting too close to the plants when weeding
  • Compost bin or pile (if you have enough space in your backyard)
  • Tarp for covering the dirt if it is raining outside


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