Garden Scents: How to Make Your Backyard Smell Good

There’s nothing quite like the smell of a garden in full bloom. The sweet fragrance of flowers in the air is a delight to the senses, and it can make your backyard feel like a …

There’s nothing quite like the smell of a garden in full bloom. The sweet fragrance of flowers in the air is a delight to the senses, and it can make your backyard feel like a paradise. But how do you get your garden to smell good? Read on for tips on how to make your backyard smell great!

Add fragrant flowers and plants that have a strong scentpink flower plant with mists surrounded by green plants

One of the best ways to make your backyard smell great is to add flowers and plants that have a strong scent. Most fragrant flowers are also incredibly beautiful, so you’ll be able to enjoy their beauty as well as their scent.

Here are some wonderfully fragrant flowers and plants that will make your backyard smell amazing:

1. Lilac

1. Lilacs are one of the most fragrant flowers that you can find. They have a strong sweet scent, and it is very pleasing to smell them in bloom during Springtime or when they’re dried up for year-round use, like in this bouquet here!

2. Roses

There’s something about the smell of roses that just makes you feel happy. The sweet scent always perks up your mood, and can help put an end to any bad day!

3. Jasmine

Jasmine is a flower that has been known for its sweet smell. The aroma can be very captivating, and it’s not hard to imagine why this would appeal in ancient times when people were limited by their senses – there was only one way they could experience something at once!

4. Gardenia

Gardenias have a strong, sweet fragrance that is very beautiful. Gardenia plants may be cultivated both inside and outside, where their evergreen leaves and lovely white flowers add a touch of beauty to any space.

5. Lavender

Lavender is a great way to relax and de-stress. The soothing scent of lavender can provide relief for people suffering from anxiety or insomnia, making it one of the most popular oils in aromatherapy treatment sessions today!

6. Rosemary

Rosemary has a strong, herbaceous scent that is perfect for cooking. But this herb can also be used to make your backyard smell great! Try planting some rosemary bushes near your patio or garden seating area for a delightful fragrance.

7. Pineapple sage

Pineapple sage has a strong, sweet scent that is delicious. This plant is perfect for growing in pots near your outdoor living space. The pineapple sage plant will produce red flowers that attract hummingbirds!

8. German Chamomile

German chamomile has a strong, sweet scent and is known for its calming properties. This herb can be planted in your garden or used to make a tea that will relax you after a long day.

9. Lemon balm

Lemon balm is a fragrant plant that has a citrus scent. This herb can be used in cooking or made into a tea that is perfect for sipping on a hot summer day.

10. Peppermint

Peppermint is a refreshing herb that has a strong, minty scent. This plant can be used to make tea or added to your favorite recipes for a boost of flavor.

11. Baby moon daffodils

Baby moon daffodil has a sweet, delicate fragrance that is very pleasing. This flower is perfect for growing in pots or near your front door. The baby moon daffodil will produce white flowers with a yellow center that is incredibly beautiful.

These flowers smell great when they’re in full bloom, so make sure to plant them in areas where you’ll be able to enjoy their fragrance the most.

Use essential oils to add fragrance to your garden

Another great way to make your backyard smell good is to use essential oil. You can add these to a diffuser and place them in your garden, or you can add them to a spray bottle of water and mist your plants with the mixture.

Essential oils will not only make your backyard smell great, but they can also have other benefits like repelling pests or promoting relaxation.

Burn candles or incense near the entrance of your backyard

Another great way to make your backyard smell good is to burn candles or incense near the entrance of your backyard. This will help create a pleasant smell that will welcome guests as they enter your backyard.

Sprinkle spices like cinnamon, cloves, and peppermint around your garden

brown wooden chopping board with black beans and brown dried leaves

If you want your yard to smell like a winter wonderland, then try sprinkling spices like cinnamon, cloves, and peppermint around your garden. These spices will not only make your garden smell amazing, but they’ll also look festive and welcoming. The aroma of these spices will also help to repel pests.

Use charcoal briquettes to absorb unpleasant smell

If you have a problem with bad smells in your backyard, then try using charcoal briquettes to absorb moisture and unpleasant smell. You can place the briquettes in a metal container and leave them near the source of the bad smell.

Place a birdbath or fountain in the center of your backyard

If you want to add a touch of relaxation to your backyard, then try placing a birdbath or fountain in the center of your yard. The sound of running water will help drown out any noise from the outside world, and it will also add a lovely scent to your yard.

Hang wind chimes near the entrance of your backyard

If you want your backyard to have a calming, relaxing vibe, then try hanging wind chimes near the entrance of your yard. The gentle sound of the wind chimes will help create a serene atmosphere, and it will also add a touch of beauty to your backyard.

Add scented candles or lanterns to your outdoor living space

If you have an outdoor living space, then try adding scented candles or lanterns to the area. This will help create a lovely ambiance, and it will also make your backyard smell great.

Use garden lime to neutralize bad smells

If you have any areas in your backyard that are prone to bad smells, then try using garden lime to neutralize the odors. Garden lime is a natural deodorizer, and it will also help to discourage pests from hanging around your yard.


There are many ways to make your backyard smell great. By adding the right plants, using essential oils, burning candles or incense, sprinkling spices around your garden, or adding scented candles or lanterns to your outdoor living space, you can create a backyard that smells amazing all year round. So get creative and enjoy the wonderful scents of nature in your own backyard!

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